In life, we must create SPACE for the things we want. 


These things can be as diverse as a new job, new clients, new relationship, new trousers (!) or new plants in the garden.

For any and all of those things, there is an element of clearing and making space required.  We cannot find a new job, if we’re not completely convinced we want one, or if we’re so emotionally taken over by our current job that we have no energy left to put into the search for a new one.  If we want to develop a hobby into a job, or to get some recognition for our talents, we need to create space and time to practice it.  A book will not write itself.  A piece of Art is not created from a busy lifestyle.



Professionals and Space

As therapists, we cannot hope to receive clients if we do not have a warm and welcoming space in which to receive them.  Many therapists start out post qualification without a room, putting the message out there that they’re available, and hoping that the room will come later (why invest when there are no clients as yet to fill it?!)

This more measured approach may work in some cases, but to clients interested in finding a safe and secure space in which to do the therapeutic work, it does not feel initially very secure and safe energetically.




I recently converted a room in my house into a therapy room.  The energy changed immediately.  Suddenly, I have clients wanting to see me at home instead of in Galway as I am finally creating a space for therapy work in my home life as well as in the city.

Often things come to us as soon as we make the change, or put one thing in place towards making the change.  The universe works in mysterious ways…yes…but sometimes its ways are very easy to recognise!



Space for Relationships – with ourselves and with others!

A friend recently took the leap and moved out of the Big City into the countryside.  She had been waiting a long time to meet a man in the city and hoped that perhaps she’d meet someone who also wanted to move ‘somewhere far away from here.’  She needed to meet him in order to make it safe.  She was clinging to her old job because it felt safe and she knew people there.  Who would she know in another place?  She was chaining herself unwillingly to a life she did not want.

Once she finally gave herself time and space to consider her choices and talk through her deepest desires, she risked a different path, made new choices, challenged her own idea of security, and moved towards the same vision of a nicer life, but on her own energy and without relying on meeting somebody to rescue her…she found her own place to rent in the countryside, got a new job near to her home…and ironically, met a new and very charming man practically straight away!

How common is it to see women in their thirties, desperate to get pregnant, but living stressful lives, unhappy at work, in accommodation where things don’t feel quite RIGHT?!  Embarking on IVF only adds to the stress and the sense of desperation ‘it MUST be now, or it’ll NEVER happen!  There’s a sense of putting life on hold until the baby comes along.  I wonder if that baby in spirit, waiting to come into the world…is waiting for calmer times in which to be conceived!

It’s about creating the right space for an idea, a change, a baby, a job or whatever else it is you desire, to come into.




Some people live life wishing for things they will never have, because they never create the space for them.  It’s as though these ‘things’ will just create their own physical and emotional space.

The fact is, they won’t.  Everything in life has an energy to it.  Everything needs its own series of events to happen before it can be conceived.  Whether that’s an idea, a relationship, a job, or anything else.

Are you creating space in your life for the things you wish to welcome into it?

Need help creating space?

Jeni Whittaker is a UKCP accredited Psychotherapist and IACP member.  She offers counselling in Galway, practising from 18 Mary Street, Galway and counselling in Abbeyknockmoy, near Athenry.  Skype therapy is also available, as is Email therapy.  Jeni is a certified relationship therapist and also offers couples counselling in Galway, and couples workshops in Galway and Abbeyknockmoy.  See links above for more details, or contact here with any questions or to book a session.